Protecting your financial data is our top priority

Sharing your business’s financial data can be concerning and we are here to assure you that your data security is our top priority

Secure Applications

We are committed to protecting your data using encryption to ensure maximum security. We also don’t use information duplications to offer the best data security.

Secure Infrastructure - AWS

Our Platform is built on Amazon Web Services allowing for maximum security whilst maintaining stability. Amazon’s secure networks & data centers benefit from consent, automated security tasks.

Secure Data

Data is encrypted in our system in the best way possible by only storing data for providers. Card information is stored separately and securely.

Secure Payments

Powered by Visa & Mastercard, we ensure to protect your money. Our technology only stores data for providers to protect your money.

Would You Like To Try It Out?

We are offering a free trial! You can set up Spenfi to manage your spending at no cost!